We believe that every child deserves the right foundation of good education for the right journey of a lifelong development. Thus, we endeavour to provide quality and affordable education and childcare services to as many children as possible.

At Sim, we lead children through their journey of transformation from age 7 to 17. We focus intently on building a community that fosters both academic and personal development. We coach children on their school academic syllabuses and homework; and offer rich curriculum that promotes critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity. Outside the classroom, we encourage students to participate in activities and engage in the world beyond our classrooms through outdoor trips and educational visits.

Our dedicated and well-trained teachers inspire a love of learning. They demonstrate an ongoing selfless commitment in sharing their knowledge and teaching the children.


Origin of Sim

Sim Educare & Learning is founded in 1999 by Madam Lee Phaik Hwa. About 20 years ago, in the rural area, education was not of high importance. Although many parents wished to educate their children, they were effortless as they were not highly educated themselves. Madam Lee realised the importance of education after her marriage into a big family and offered to teach her nephews and nieces, who then progressed tremendously (academically). Through word of mouth, the surrounding neighbours then requested Madam Lee to teach their children. As how her nephews and nieces addressed her – “Sim” (homophonic of a Teochew title referring to a younger aunt of the paternal family) – the children followed suit and address her as “Sim” teacher. The number of students under her wings grew as time glided. Today, there are over 20 Sim branches in Peninsular Malaysia.


Nurture and educate every child to contribute to the society/community.



  • Provide quality and comprehensive education and childcare services, in a safe and conducive environment.
  • Use creative and effective teaching and caring techniques to improve the children’s performance and development.
  • To have every Sim branch registered and recognised by Department of Social Welfare and Ministry of Education.
  • To encourage entrepreneurship among staff.